5.1 The GLOBAL EVANGELICAL GHURCH used the 1975/79 Constitution to regulate her affairs, from the split in 1991 up to 1995, when Synod promulgated another constitution. After the change of name in 2003 there was the need to review the constitution to take cognizance of the new name and the changes taking place in the Church. The 2007 Constitution is the fulfillment of that aspiration.
5.2 Autonomy of the Church
a) The Global Evangelical Church is made up of Congregations, Districts and Presbyteries, bound by one Faith, Teaching, Liturgy, Doctrine, Constitution, Synod and Sacraments. Except to the Lord Jesus Christ, it is autonomous in so far as any other authority or organization is concerned, and is competent to formulate its own Constitution, Doctrine, Teaching, Mode of Worship and Church Administration. It is also competent to repeal, amend or add to any of these, provided any such formulation receives the requisite approval of Synod.
b) No body in person or group of persons is permitted to introduce any other teaching or practice into the Church that has not been approved or consented to by Synod. Any new teaching to be considered for acceptance must be consistent with Scripture.
6.1 The cherished structure and administration of the church is through Sessions, Districts, Presbyteries and Synod with its agents as Teaching, Evangelists, Catechists, Presbyters and Pastors. These constituted courts give the church democratic governance from the Local to National and Global levels.
This means that we have a church government characterized by plurality of elders (the Session), which is connectional in character, comprising lower and higher courts, which have authority over single or multiple churches. The Presbyterian government, which we have, is an official church government different from Episcopal. It is not a government by bishops, but by elected boards of ministers and elders. These are called “presbyters” (from the Greek word “presbuteros” meaning elder).
In our Presbyterian system, power is held on behalf of Synod in the local congregations, districts and presbyteries by groups of “elders” who govern the churches. These elders also hold church property on behalf of Synod. The Church has a Synod, which serves as its “Parliament”. The Synod Committee, a representative council, serves as the decision making body of the church. There is also a Synod Committee Executive, made up of three clergy and three laypersons. The clergy occupy the full time positions and see to the administration of the Church, while the laypersons assist in decision-making and the execution of specialized duties.
6.2 The Courts of the Church
The Global Evangelical Church is governed by Representatives of the Assemblies otherwise known as THE COURTS OF THE CHURCH.
These courts comprise the following:
a) The Local Sessions
b) The District Sessions
c) The Presbyteries
d) The Synod
A. The Local Session and Congregations
The Local Session is the Court of the Local Congregation.
B. The District Session
The “District” in the Global Evangelical Church is as defined from time to time by the Synod (as may be recommended by the Presbytery) and shall be made up of the congregations within it. However, in the absence of any such definition, congregations placed under one Pastor constitute a district.
C. The Presbytery
The Presbytery is one of the superior courts of the Church created and established by the Church through the Synod. The Presbyteries are defined geographically and administratively as to their respective extent and also in terms of their functions and powers.
D. The Synod
The Synod is the Supreme Court of the Church with a duly appointed Synod Committee, Synod Committee Executive and other specialized committees. The decisions of Synod in matters spiritual are final and are not subject to appeal or review by any civil court or lower courts of the Church.
The Church is liturgical since we have and use liturgy in our worship. Our worship services are guided and are orderly. Our liturgical expression is charismatic. Our understanding of ‘charismatism’ is theologically unique. ‘Charismata’ from which ‘charismatic’ is derived has to do with the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Charismatic expression is therefore not unguided excessive emotionalism. ‘Charismata’ has to do with gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are given freely by God to strengthen believers and equip them to live for the Lord and be effective in ministry. We encourage members to identify and develop their spiritual gifts and talents and use them decently and effectively to the glory of our God.
We believe in the Holy Spirit and the expression of His Gifts and Fruit. We believe the GIFTS and FRUIT of the Holy Spirit are of equal importance. We believe in intensive individual and corporate prayer and fasting. We believe in and practice extempore prayer. We also give expression to our faith through hymns, songs of praise, drumming, dancing and adoration to our God.
Our style of worship varies from traditional to contemporary to charismatic.
We employ musical instruments, dance, the lifting and clapping of hands, soloist and choristers as elements and expressions of our faith and worship. This we do with full reverence to God and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The climax of our liturgical expressions is the ministration of the Word of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.