“A great wave of persecution began … and all the believers …fl ed … But the believers who had fl ed Jerusalem went everywhere preaching the Good News about Jesus” Acts 8:1, 4 (NLT). According to today’s text, when the believers fl ed, they preached the Good News wherever they went. They did this in obedience to our Lord’s command: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere” (Mark 16:15, NLT). Jesus himself preached the Good News of the kingdom when he was on earth. The Apostles and the other believers in the early church preached the Good News. As ambassadors of God’s kingdom in the world today, we too ought to preach the Good News. We have been given the ministry and the message of reconciliation. As true ambassadors of the kingdom, we need to convey the message of the King of Kings to the world. Unbelievers need to hear the Good News that there is forgiveness for their sins through faith in Jesus. Unless you and I preach the gospel to them, they will die in their sins. If we are faithful ambassadors of Christ, then we must deliver the
message he has sent us to convey to the world—the message of reconciliation through Jesus. We must preach Christ to everyone, everywhere: in the home, in the classroom, our neighbourhoods, our offi ces, marketplaces, on taxis and buses, etc. Do you obey the Lord’s command? Are you busy preaching the Good News? Meditation and Prayer: As you bring people my way, Lord; give me the courage to preach the gospel to them. Further Reading: Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8; Luke 24:46- 48. Key Lesson: Every believer is commanded to preach the Good News to all people everywhere.